One man was convicted of inciting others to murder Einstein (and fined a mere six dollars).
This followed a case earlier that month in which a man convicted of rape had been fined £2,000.
A24 A man convicted in 2 killings in 1980 was executed in Texas.
For example, men convict more frequently than women in some types of criminal trials but less frequently in others.
A man falsely convicted, so the stories claimed, of the same crime of treason.
A man convicted of three gruesome murders claiming to be innocent.
A third man convicted of manslaughter, Jon Lester, 20, is already serving his 10-to-30-year sentence.
The court found that there was evidence before the jury on which reasonable men could properly have convicted, and therefore refused to interfere with the verdict.
Two men both convicted of killing police officers: they were the last state-sanctioned garrotings in Spain.
If the ordinary men and women on the jury won't convict him, why try to get him off the streets?