After a few days, with the right amount of food for coaxing, the man convinced me to come inside the room.
The two men convince the judge to let them get a job to pay the fine, which he accepts.
Maybe a man like you could convince your client to make a really smart move.
Given time to consider most men would also convince themselves that they would not die.
Until there is, all the fine, scholarly-looking men in the world will not convince me that what happened was entirely an accident.
If a man convinces us at all, it should be by his convictions.
On Thursday, the two men finally convinced a smaller, less-affluent market to take their team.
How the man had convinced her four- inch stilettos were a good idea, she'd never know.
And how can a man convince others of what he doesn't believe himself?
How had one man convinced nearly 1000 people to poison themselves?