Then he repeated these verses: "How fair is ruth the strong man deigns not smother!
Here, at least, they can ride in the back of trucks if a man deigns to let them.
It was such an absurd query that neither Calhoun nor the green man deigned to answer it.
What most perplexed Mayflower was that the man, already burdened by the color of his skin, had not deigned to change that unfortunate appellation.
Of course, a man of my own humble guild would not deign to make use of other human beings that way, out of fear of their glowering resentment; but in any case I had little need of them.
I don't particularly want to stay shut up here till those men deign to come back and do a bit more stealing.
The man with the sliced nose did not even deign to look at Fillmore.
The red-haired woman was worrying elsewhere, and two ancient men who both limped received his information dubiously, but finally deigned to consult a computer, joking together as to whether it would work, but clearly reverent for all their humor.
The other men frowned but once again deigned not to argue.
We don't all wait around any more, like wallflowers at a dance, hoping that the man we fancy will deign to notice us.