He still struggled as the pig-eyed man draped the noose about his neck.
The tall man draped an arm over Marisa's shoulder, guiding her gently with pressure from his fingers.
Rose asked the man wearing sunglasses and a light blue sweater draped stylishly over his shoulders.
Apparently satisfied, the young man draped one arm over the young woman's shoulders and they followed the first two boys into the house.
The proprietor, an elderly man with a towel draped over each shoulder, appeared an instant later.
One man draped himself in a tallit and said his morning prayers.
The close watch on the mosque was evident early this morning, when a man with a sheet draped over his head tried to leave.
The man draped an arm around her shoulders, his breath reeking of whiskey.
One man nodded off with a cold pizza slice draped across his lap.
A young man approached, shirtless but wearing a very large snake draped around his neck and shoulders.