The man once dubbed 'Fabulous Forman' for his extravagant taste in clothes is said to have walked out for 'personal reasons'.
Little Graceland is a home converted into a shrine to the man dubbed "The King" of rock and roll music.
The retailing phenomenon which began among women has now spread to men, being dubbed "manity sizing".
"The game was boring until I came around," he said with the bravado that one would expect from the man dubbed the Drama King.
A vendor sold liquor to raise in toast of the man dubbed "Bubble Boy."
The two men - dubbed "Wasserella" by Wall Street wags - could hardly be more different.
Like all of the young men being dubbed today, Conall had more or less proven himself during the Mearan campaign the previous summer.
And the Norwegian man dubbed "the fastest flying human".
How could one compete with the man dubbed the greatest actor of the 20th century?
The man dubbed "the world's most hated hacker" looks exhausted.