However, the man entrusted with the job, Joseph Colombo, instead revealed the plot to Gambino.
They are a syndicate; and Laflores was the man entrusted with their funds.
But when he got to the rail he saw one of that very select group of men entrusted with carrying messages between the khadifas.
But one of the men entrusted with the job had needed his advice.
The men and women entrusted with his doom returned before I came to speak with you.
-Banna was proud to be the man entrusted with so difficult a job.
The man entrusted with running to ground the perpetrator of the Thomas Jefferson disaster would be in touch with the highest.
But as a man entrusted with a vital mission which all these qualities uniquely fit him to perform, I am a Cluster-wide disaster.
This guard had himself been one of the men entrusted with the business of 'switching' Feng for Whiskers, so he was in the know.
But many women who had won their freedom lost it again "through violence and trickery and the venality of men entrusted with their care."