I am concerned about the influence that man might exert over you.
Especially when, whatever other circumstances may hold good, the man has been exerting himself to make an impression on the lady in question.
This rough, illiterate man exerts a strange fascination on the wife.
The feminist movement was in its infancy, and men still exerted an archaic control over women.
It was astonishing to him how much influence a dead man still exerted on their lives.
The man was exerting a simple spell of concealment.
What looks like adversity is in fact a means by which the man exerts his virtues.
Through a similar structure, the three men exert control of Nextera, which was intended to be a big consulting company.
The young men did not show any annoyance, but exerted themselves to prepare a meal, and courteously made Jim share it.
The difference is the amount of resistance the man exerts during the wrestling session.