They even had a man impersonating a British general along with them.
To test their procedures, they needed a man and a woman to impersonate a married couple for multiple sessions.
Set in 1817, it concerns a young man temporarily impersonating his missing twin brother.
Both boats were seen together as the man in the second craft was impersonating Relic.
A man impersonating Hercules comes to the aid of a woman whose children have become trapped in a mine.
He appears at the duel with four additional men impersonating a Council arbitration team.
Norberto Cervantes is killed in jail by a man impersonating a police officer.
After the man impersonating Shanley snatched the brief case from you boys, he suddenly got greedy.
Mostly, he registers as a handsome, conventional leading man impersonating a nerd.
Have I told you that I now know the name of the man impersonating Scott?