It was one of those situations where the first man to make sense inherits the leadership.
A man inherits from his millionaire uncle a gold watch that has the power to stop time.
A young man inherits a house in a Florida swamp from an uncle he never knew.
This story is based 400 years in the future, when a man inherits an android.
It was an arm- chair which the good man had inherited, and in which he used to lounge from morning until evening.
The creator fashioned into this world a way in which man himself, one day would inherit his power.
Women don't care whether a man inherited the money after the divorce, during separation etc.
Under the current succession system, only men in a direct line to the emperor can inherit the throne.
After his mother dies, the young man inherits the house.
With few exceptions, men, not women, inherit the land and run the farms.