Hope was let go two hours later when it was determined that the other man initiated the argument.
At this time only a man could initiate a divorce.
The two men initiated the Birthright Israel program, and each is contributing $5 million.
He reiterated that he and his men "will not initiate the violence.
The basic political principle of the Objectivist ethics is: no man may initiate the use of physical force against others.
Semi-Pelegianism holds that man must initiate of his own free will to receive grace.
Was it when man initiated the division of labor that he lost contact with the complete reality and began to fragment and go numb?
The two men initiated their project in 1984 and contacted Roger Penske for assistance.
In other words, by engaging intentional mystical practices, man initiates, then God responds.
On July 1, 1958, four men initiated a partnership between the Markham and Odett families.