A strange bearded man, however, always interferes with his plans.
As to whether nature should have been left alone in the first place, he said that was not the issue, "because man interfered."
Food should be the same for all, and no man should interfere with another man's drink!
My men won't interfere if you want to test your blade against mine this one last time.
Things are going smoothly but the two make a pact not to let men interfere with their life.
The man listened, but did not interfere, and the boy entered the court of the palace.
This is a noble enterprise; let no man interfere with it.
"What do you mean, 'Let no man interfere with it'?"
If she had yelled and fought him, the men might not have interfered.
A younger, more aggressive man was needed here, one who would not let luxury interfere with good judgment.