The big man invoked his Maker, spoiling the effect with an alarming hiccough.
Whatever language they were chanting in I didn't understand, but the message was clear: these men were invoking something that transcended this world.
In making the claim, the guilty man not only invoked the king's mercy, he effectively shifted responsibility for the crime to the king himself.
Of course, the man invoked the "needs of the many" axiom.
Each time, each man invoked his right to avoid self-incrimination.
One official said the men invoked Allah and spoke of "accepting their fate" on behalf of a "great cause."
Another man, Brian McCaffrey, invoked the thing that will never go away.
A man, a people have invoked my name in vain; a family curses me!
On crime, both men invoked different bills on which they differed in order to put themselves in the strongest light.
Both men repeatedly invoked the Fifth Amendment and refused to answer questions in their depositions.