It turns out that both men and women can accurately judge the upper body strength of a man strictly by listening to his voice.
In the other office, two men were judging the newcomer in different terms.
So far as man could judge at all in the matter, he was definitely the higher type.
A man, not a woman, to judge from the footprints, blurry though they are.
But no man could judge of another's luck, that was clear.
Certainly a man of pride, judging from his reaction to her feeding him.
Together, the two men judged that the vehicle would not fly any time soon, as many of the systems were overheated.
Plato said that such a man would judge himself wrongly and choose his own interest over the truth.
A man must judge for himself what his own life is worth, and to what use he can put it.
Of this, he says, every man shall judge for himself.