Reed barely managed to say, after the other man loosed the gag from his mouth.
A trained man could loose twelve shafts in a minute, and the range was shorter now.
A second man loosed a shot at Shannow, the bullet passing high and wide.
The young man looses his linen wrap when he escapes from the soldiers.
"Make a move to fight, and the men will loose their arrows."
Speak quickly, or my men will loose their arrows.
Deeply disturbed by this the young man looses his interest in everything including the businesses and leaves home.
The tall man gave a final squeeze, and loosed her throat.
Seeing him with us, the gray men did not loose their fire, but fell back to give us an open passage, down which we fled.
Immediately the second man spun round and loosed an arrow which tore into the first man's shoulder.