Two men lugged bundles wrapped in gray cloth from the wagon through the open door.
So was the burden that the man lugged under his arm.
A small old man in a Mao cap, lugging a stool.
On a side street, two young men lug plywood from a van to an old Victorian house they are renovating.
"This is what this young man has been lugging with him everywhere he goes?"
Stymied in their attempt to open the safe, the men lugged the heavy metal box to the couple's car.
As the men lugged him across the studio and out the door, one slow step after another, he figuratively held his breath.
Four men were lugging a bulky burden from the banquet room, out through a side door of the lobby.
He estimated that each man was lugging at least ninety pounds of equipment.
The two men lugged the chest into Cait's room, and lay it at her feet.