LEAD: A man masquerading as a messenger yesterday robbed a midtown jewelry store of $500,000 worth of jewelry, the police said.
Who was the man or woman masquerading in Wagon Lit uniform?
In 1873, a man masquerading as a woman, "Lulu," was the first person in America to go airborne via Farini's contraption.
But the man now masquerading as Etter has made a point of refusing to take drugs; the record will show him doing that still.
He falls in love with a beautiful Chinese opera diva, Song Liling, who is actually a man masquerading as a woman.
Continuing his story, don Juan said that he quickly became accustomed to thinking of the old man who had saved his life as really a young man masquerading as old.
The night manager, or the man now masquerading as him, wouldn't have been acting so suspiciously if he didn't suspect her somehow.
Despite rumors of men masquerading as women in sports events, only one man has as yet admitted to the ruse.
"I swear to God, Oleg," Fiona Devin muttered crossly to the tall man masquerading as her son.