The old man munched his sandwich, drank his lager, and watched pretty girls, with a smile of innocent pleasure.
He might be that bulky man munching a custard bun across the cafe; Gersen had no way of knowing.
The old man and woman, still ignoring them, were munching rations and bickering feebly about who should chop up the chair to start a fire.
The man near the caisse munched his spaghetti and critically observed each step in the operation as if it had been a fast game of chess.
For now the old man slouched behind his chessboard and munched his lunch.
The big man sipped on his coffee and munched on an egg sandwich from McDonald's.
And the man was munching a joint of the deer, unasked.
In the tea room, beneath the yellow fleur-de-lys wallpaper, several dozen elderly men munch their way through buttered toast and crumpets.
The silence grew around them as the old man munched his food.
The man in charge, a middle-aged systems analyst, was munching on a bag of cheese-flavored tortilla chips when his "red" phone buzzed.