Langdon wondered how a handicapped man could possibly have overpowered the camerlegno.
Decker struggled to get away but the two men overpowered him.
Two men who were with her tried to rescue the woman but to no avail as the rough seas overpowered them.
On October 29, 2007, two men overpowered security officers and tried to reach the second floor of the museum, where the desired paintings were located.
The men of the mines, seeing their families free, quickly overpowered the guards and began running toward the courtyard!
The others were so surprised they lost the all-important rhythm of the battle and Donough's men quickly overpowered them.
A man can lead other men or overpower them, but women need a subtler way to prevail.
One other informant remained - the American whom his men had overpowered.
One man, perhaps, he could have surprised and overpowered.
The men overpowered Vacher and took him to the police.