And political reputations are built on military success, which is why both men portray themselves as liberator-in-chief.
Hannassey, and the men like him, had never portrayed themselves as anything but what they were.
The men portrayed were heroes and were part of an effort to make the world safe for democracy.
This was also a daytime first, with the men portrayed in bed together.
At the time, both men portrayed themselves as patriotic symbols of their countries.
He is in all ways portrayed as an average working class man, right down to a medium gray suit.
"They're perfect," she said, referring to the way men portrayed themselves in their profiles.
The older men in particular portray inspection as an art whose techniques, absorbed over a long period, become almost intuitive.
The man portrays her love interest on the video.
It was not the familiar sun of Earth, as men had portrayed it in a thousand books and songs.