Despite the poor reproduction, the old man radiated immense vitality and intelligence.
"No." The hand was avoided; the young man radiating disgust.
It was strange that a man who had known so much sorrow could radiate so much life.
Some men can look handsome, but not radiate inner beauty-like you do.
Unfortunately, the man was so highly radiated that she could not even hold his hand as he died.
The man radiated a kind well-being that seemed extravagantly out of place in such a forlorn outpost.
The man radiated an aura of knowing confidence.
Together the two men radiated gravitas, to such an extent that the crowds automatically parted for them.
By the time they were left alone, the man was radiating stormy defiance and contempt.
All else aside, the man in the green shirt and trousers radiates that sense of right place-right time.