Bard's men raided the wagons for the best of their supplies and cooked a feast.
Heke's men then raided the town taking anything useful they could find.
Heard tell you were a boy when Henry Morgan's men raided your home.
The T'ang's men raided more than a dozen of our cells this afternoon.
I know your People are very different-but you cannot tell me that men do not raid.
And if men do not raid among the stars, why do they have warriors?
If he was the former, he may have attained adulthood by the 960s, when a man of his name raided Westmorland.
The 60 young men raided local estates for arms and then marched on the police barracks and opened fire.
I'll admit freely that when your men first raided my cattle I could have dealt less harshly with them.
Despite having no jurisdiction, Smith and his men raid Sekirei Island.