The man raked his fingers back through thick hair.
A few yards away an old man raked the gravel in a rock garden with a battered bamboo rake.
Three men in a car raked a roadblock with automatic weapons fire near the northern edge of Gaza.
His strategy was simple enough - use the bluff as a point from which his men could rake the rebels.
The big church had burned, but men were raking through the smoking embers looking for silver.
Every day, a man in a rowboat raked every single root found floating on the surface.
The man behind thrust at her, and she raked his arm.
The man with the chopper had raked the room waist-high, back and forth, without lowering it far enough.
In front of the office a lean old man raked the ground carefully.
The men had cleared the new barn and raked the floor clean for the dancing.