A man shaped like a balloon walks up Sixth Avenue and bursts.
These hats were personalised by the men, usually shaped into civilian styles like the centercrease, which was the precursor of the cowboy hat.
Bird was a short man, shaped like a barrel, and young for his office- but shrewd, his affability no disguise to his intelligence.
"Who is the man with the little beard, shaped like an arrow?"
That's the man shaped by the father.
George was a small man, shaped like a bowling pin and with the same, curious, rocking movement as he walked.
What remains to be seen is whether a man so shaped by the old culture can fully embrace the rigors of the new.
The crowd they survey almost always includes young men shaped like battering rams, with impossibly square heads and haircuts to match.
I follow Tedros to the kitchen, where there are a young man and two ancient-looking wood-fired stone ovens, shaped like giant clay bottles.
The book frequently seems more like a record of the times in which he lived than of the man shaped by them.