True to himself, the man shunned flourishing remorse at the question of how he could have led a better life.
The family moved in about a year ago, but an elderly man inside the house shunned a welcoming visit, another neighbor said.
"Most men shun association with the family of a Black Magician."
However, he added, perhaps the very short man should shun the style.
There are secret ways through these places, known to the beasts and the forest dwellers, but mostly men shun them.
I know you make your money in ways decent men would shun,' Zaibar retorted.
A private man, he shunned publicity throughout his career.
These lie in front of you, but behind lies that which all men shun, or so I read what is written.
The men might shun her more and not ask her to dance.
Things are whatever they are, and no man shuns his doom.