The slab-jawed man snickered, his smile revealing brown teeth.
After a moment, he and his men snickered.
The young man snickered as though he were irrational.
The man near the table snickered and rejoined his companions, snatching the sack out of Jack's hand as he passed.
"We watch where no man sees us," the legless man snickered.
The two men snickered like adolescents sharing a smutty joke.
Next to him, two young men snickered that the class would be a breeze: they had had the same textbook in prep school.
Chairs scraped, heads turned, and men snickered at Carter's expense.
The men snickered and nudged one another as they formed a semicircle near the steps of the car.
The three young men on the bench below snickered at their jokes; Waylock joined them in a sour grin.