His men rallied and straggled after.
The gates of Suhl stood ajar, and men and horses straggled through them, leaving tents on the flat empty.
But, as his men straggled back along the one road open to them, they were bombed repeatedly.
Two men still straggled.
However, the officers and men who had sailed with Hal straggled in fromevery corner of the county and every seaport along the coast.
She struggled with her straps, while the men straggled in, winded and weary.
Three men straggled from it and started toward them, walking lethargically, as if the burning yellow sun had drained every ounce of energy from their bodies.
As the men straggled back toward the perpetual train, the Saturday night conversation was short on laughter and long on complaints.
Many men straggled and a number collapsed.
Behind the wagons straggled a long file of walking men, some hobbling along on crutches or leaning on staffs.