The men coming into the lobby from the raw evening warmed their hands at several electric heaters.
In winter, the streets are lined with bonfires around which the men warm themselves.
The old man warmed his hands before the fire.
Off to one side, several men, still wearing their mail hauberks, were warming themselves before the fire.
A slight chill had fallen on the hillside; the bearded man was warming his hands before the fire.
Over the years, the men of the night watch had made themselves a comfortable room, well insulated and warmed by a fire at the cave's mouth.
When the older man smiled men warmed to him, but with Philo it seemed he was mocking.
The men warmed themselves at the campfire on the night of September 8 and wondered what the new day would hold in store.
The dead man fell over Paul's body and warmed him.
Near an alley, unemployed men warm themselves by a trash-barrel fire under a plastic tent.