It adapts well to man-made habitats and is not considered to be threatened.
It can be found in both natural and man-made habitats.
Seeing the city from the sea, you fully understand the impact the mountain has on inhabitants, looming above their insignificant man-made habitat.
Unfortunately, rapid forest regeneration makes such man-made habitats unsuitable over a few years.
Dams have created a man-made habitat for birds and aquatic species.
The spiders used the man-made habitat as a nest.
Thus, Oryzomys was reduced to competition with introduced rats in man-made habitats, to which the latter are well adapted.
With suitable man-made habitat becoming less common, their numbers are declining in some areas.
It occurs in a wide variety of habitats including man-made habitats such as plantations and gardens.
It frequently occurs in man-made habitats such as parks and gardens.