Poisoning, both intentional and unintentional, is perhaps the most insidious man-made threat to Golden Eagles.
Natural hazards and man-made threats from hazardous materials and terrorism are also treated in detail with specific preparedness and response information for each hazard.
Writing in Foreign Affairs in 2007, Obama called climate change the "epochal, man-made threat to the planet."
The 2008 Watch List highlights three critical man-made threats affecting the world's cultural heritage: political conflict, unchecked urban and industrial development, and global climate change.
Environmental security - Environmental security aims to protect people from the short- and long-term ravages of nature, man-made threats in nature, and deterioration of the natural environment.
The Vanishing report stated that there were five accelerating man-made threats facing global heritage sites in developing countries: development pressures, unsustainable tourism, insufficient management, looting, and war and conflict.
It illuminated five accelerating man-made threats facing global heritage sites in developing countries: development pressures, unsustainable tourism, insufficient management, looting, and war and conflict.
Other man-made threats include the problems of popularity in a country with limited wilderness resources and a large, relatively affluent urban population.
Stop the unnecessary deaths of cetaceans from man-made threats such as pollution or entanglement in fishing nets.
For nearly 100 years, biologists, chemists, engineers and other environmental scientists have been meeting the challenges posed by natural and man-made threats to safe and plentiful drinking water.