Barney had kept us at a safe distance, so there was plenty of room to manage startled horses and watch the buffalo dash across a flood plain.
Trying to manage a boat could be difficult enough without trying to manage panicked horses, besides.
You can manage horses?
To manage horses successfully, we have to prevent their anxiety rising to the point where they become very angry or afraid.
The skills required to manage cattle and horses date back to the Spanish traditions of the vaquero.
At its best, it will prod us, as a nation, to take that first difficult step toward a sustainable program to manage wild horses.
The BLM manages free-roaming horses and burros on public lands in 10 western states.
He might find it useful having an old man like me around to give him a few tips on how to manage horses.
Of course, I can't manage such horses, so it doesn't really matter.
We know how to manage horses, and we're strong.