He also has a restaurant, which he managed together with his wife in Kuantan.
She survived her husband by 32 years and after his death managed the firm together with her son-in-law.
Managing his family's estate together with its distance from London left little time to follow his scientific interests.
With 30 seconds to go before the start of the race, they managed to rig something together with duct tape and a piece of metal.
We're not interested in managing a museum together with the Guggenheim.
As cellarer to the abbey it was Brother Oudart's responsibility to manage these estates together with a staff of some 130 women and 20 men.
His first experiences as coach were at Alessandria, where he managed the team together with Luciano Robotti.
Two years later he assumed ownership of the mill and independently managed it, together with the adjacent farm.
The government appointed a co-chair to manage the body, together with the elected chair.
Plan and manage protected areas together with local farming, pastoralist, and forest communities in their landscapes.