He also spoke of the bus service as a "manageable scale of operations."
Unlike many huge development projects that have given the agency a black eye, this one was of a manageable scale, and it made economic sense.
A younger, lesser-known talent would be able to work through these struggles in relative privacy and at a more manageable scale.
He recommends lamps as an opportunity to collect design on a manageable scale.
But by following the public health approach outlined here, Washington could reduce that problem to a far more manageable scale.
Endless human variety, but on a manageable scale.
Here, on a manageable scale, is perfection, and it is immediately recognizable as such.
While Indonesia runs a current account deficit, it is of a manageable scale, the officials said.
It may be a thriving European capital but everything here is on a manageable human scale and taken at a relaxed human pace.
In order to make a space like this private and comfortable, it was important to break it down into a manageable, human scale.