Avoid self-help statements about how the course will help you to grow and develop, and management jargon.
Marks combines formidable knowledge of management jargon with a relaxed improvisational style and a warm, persuasive personality.
"It was the Soviet authoritarian culture, so it's hard for people to become proactive," he said, using a term ringing of management jargon that means taking initiative.
To really spot such needs - to become market driven, in management jargon - requires a new attitude toward product design.
Western management jargon is of little help to Afghan entrepreneurs, who use tricks, trust, community and crises in a powerful way.
In management jargon, this alternative is called "plateauing," a word that once meant dead end.
It's all about 'structures', 'execution' and other such sports management jargon.
That sounds splendid I'm sure when translated into management jargon, but let, but let me repeat it.
Posts contain a level of observational humor, such as direct explanations of management jargon.
What is the most annoying piece of management jargon?