In the field, management used to mean tracking revenues and riding herd on expense accounts.
"In a number of cases," he says, "management uses it as a tool to entrench their own power."
"The union will no longer be a shield behind which management can use to protect itself."
Several immigrant workers said management used an especially worrisome tactic to keep the union out.
The Internet makes it possible to reach customers in new ways, however, and management can use this tool to offer an engaging experience.
But once the buyout is completed, management can use the $1 billion to reduce debt or for other corporate needs.
And senior management uses them to make sure that local managers are moving quickly enough to solve any problems.
He felt that management could use the grid to systematically prepare for the future.
To resolve that problem, he said, management is using the double trigger.
But management is only making between 16,000 and 18,000 a day and using outside contractors instead to produce the rest.