He also said that the manager, Lou Piniella, accused Henderson of faking the injury.
In his last season with the Braves, Spahn's manager, Bobby Bragan, accused him of selfishly hanging on for the salary.
Both managers accused the umpire of needlessly stealing the players from the game at the fans' expense.
Ultimately, the manager accuses Peter of being Brian's "x-factor", the reason he was a cocaine addict, and a disgusted Brian defends him.
The manager of the Governor's re-election campaign, Tom Wilson, accused the poll of including too many Democrats in the sample, among other things.
During the match, his manager accused his opponent of cheating.
Hearns and his manager, Emanuel Steward, have accused Leonard of using the muscle-building drugs, which are prohibited by the council.
She still works at Wixom and says that one manager accused of harassment "just kept getting more and more promotions."
Now the restaurant's owner and manager are angrily accusing him of luring away employees for his new projects.
The manager had accused a German tourist of stealing one of the hotel towels.