Opportunities for Federal agency records managers to exchange ideas and learn new information.
Even corporate managers must learn to think like entrepreneurs.
To be more effective, managers of island ecosystems should share information and learn from each other's mistakes.
American managers can learn a good deal by studying Honey well's experience.
While much of the hardware did not pay off in the past, managers are now learning to use it.
For one thing, managers must learn to be flexible as their work forces change.
The training means that all managers learn the business from the bottom up and have a financial interest in seeing it succeed, he said.
"Workers and managers are learning from the public's reaction to the part-time issue that this is a source of tension," he said.
More important to their teams, managers would be learning where the players are and how far they had to go before the season starts.
Lower down the organization, managers will learn things like how to hire better salesclerks.