MURRAY CHASS Filling In the Blanks The Indians had completed their workout yesterday, and their manager, Mike Hargrove, had not settled on a lineup for the opening game of the series tonight.
The manager can settle for taking the credit for getting them there.
Bausch & Lomb Settles With S.E.C. Without admitting guilt, Bausch & Lomb Inc., the optical company, and four former managers settled S.E.C. allegations that they had overstated profits in 1993.
Many young Japanese managers settle with their families in houses outside the city, while senior executives like Mr. Matsumoto live alone in Manhattan apartments.
And when rates fall and homeowners do refinance, managers of Ginnie Mae funds must settle for mortgages carrying lower rates.
Settling in Falmouth in the 1960's, he became the manager and host of the Popponesset Inn, where he staged variety shows.
Former senior managers Martin Newson, Eduardo Listorti and Michael Adams sued but settled out of court.
As Qazi sat on the overstuffed sofa and removed his sunglasses, the manager settled behind his desk.
Bausch & Lomb Inc., the optical company, and four former managers of the company settled allegations by the Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday that they had violated securities laws by overstating profits in 1993.