The position was one which he had contrived, quite deliberately, to fall into no obvious place in the managerial hierarchy of Metadyne.
Both reasons for fragmenting work imply the creation of a managerial hierarchy to co-ordinate and control the various fragmented jobs.
The problem is that our managerial hierarchies are so badly designed as to defeat the best efforts even of psychologically insightful individuals.
Obviously, as you move higher in a managerial hierarchy, the most difficult problems you have to contend with become increasingly complex.
What we need is managerial hierarchy that understands its own nature and purpose.
From the board powers are frequently delegated to committees of directors or to individual board members, and thence down the managerial hierarchy.
Employees of the bank operate under the framework of a managerial hierarchy.
By that time, large corporations had developed the basic manufacturing efficiencies and managerial hierarchies of mass production.
The set of arbitrable issues is dependent on the type of position the employee has in the managerial hierarchy.
And, if they do, how should their organisational structure be incorporated into the managerial hierarchy of the hospital?