Then, rather than being restricted to roads and a few patches of high ground, Seydlitz would be able to freely maneuver his company.
America's interest in the Persian Gulf will remain considerable, but its ability to freely maneuver in this region will become considerably less.
NVA soldiers, able to maneuver freely around the LZs, shot down or damaged numerous helicopters with small arms fire, rocket-propelled grenades, and crew-served weapons.
I can't get any exact readings from here, through the P'nir hull and the battle noise, but her shields are still there and she's still maneuvering freely.
Whatever the circumstances, the preferred response would almost certainly be to keep the battalion out where it could maneuver freely.
The setting is divided into areas of varying sizes, and the fighter can freely maneuver in one but not cross the boundaries.
They operate from a surface ship but, once under water, they maneuver freely with their own motors.
On the other hand, the ability to maneuver quickly and freely is essential to the troops' effectiveness.
Yet the campaigns of 1941 and 1942 had proved that our panzers were virtually invincible if they were allowed to maneuver freely across the great plains of Russia.
Old Snort was just turning, unable to maneuver freely because his flanks kept banging into the walls of the pit.