Large maneuver units were useless; it came down to junior officers at the platoon and squad level, alone in the howling madness.
The Axemen's primary maneuver unit was the thousand-man strong battalion.
All major German maneuver units, down to brigade, were displayed with arrows to show where they were headed.
The role of the brigade combat team is to act as the Army's basic tactical maneuver unit and the smallest combined-arms unit that can be committed independently.
Normally, the FPF is within 200 to 400 meters of friendly positions and is integrated into the final protective line of the maneuver unit.
Its maneuver units are:
There were no effective Korean maneuver units or defended castles between the Imjin and the Chinese border.
As of 2012, the National Police Force's maneuver units comprised:
It should be reminded of the effect on clearance of fires if subordinate maneuver units are not given zones or sectors (i.e. no boundaries established).
The men were treated and paid as auxiliaries, performing guard or picket duties to free up white soldiers for maneuver units.