The previous evening, she had tended bis mangled arm with a ferocity which he recognized as love.
When we began to see more people around us, Judy hit on the way to conceal my mangled arms: she gave me the baby to carry.
He screamed at the pain as his mangled arm took the full weight of the impact.
He pulled the fabric across his back, and fit the right side loosely around his mangled arm.
The prince lay in the grass, whimpering, cradling his mangled arm.
I saw people coming out of that building with mangled arms and blood all over their faces.
The man's mangled arm went limp, and the wand fell from his nerveless fingers.
Rane lies with a mangled arm on the kitchen floor while his son finds and hands over the silver dollars.
Jeffrey was grateful they'd be able to get the torpedoman with the mangled arm proper medical attention soon, after all.
Spector knelt down and set his mangled arm against the asphalt.