Then he was laid back down, and Toli fell to rubbing some life bade into his friend's mangled limbs.
Doctors at a Coptic hospital showed journalists 17 bodies, including one with a crushed skull and others with mangled limbs.
"To this day, I have visions of her toiling away in a basement laboratory, surrounded by mangled limbs on a dark and stormy night."
Doctors said that most of the casualties came from bullet wounds, although there were also numerous mangled limbs run over by armored vehicles.
The legionaries helped their disabled comrade extract his shattered and mangled limb, all roaring furiously.
If the signs of butchery, of mangled limbs and rendered flesh, had any effect on the preacher he didn't show it.
I saw those mangled limbs again; wasted bodies contorted in the final struggle, faces smeared with blood.
Matthew is subsequently placed in a psychiatric hospital, and his mangled limb is replaced with a hook.
How many mangled limbs equals one decapitated infant?
I peered into craters full of mangled limbs, gawped at tatters blown into high branches.