For three days the mangled mass was left to the bestial mob before it was thrown into the Tiber.
Those great arms took three figures in their next huge sweep and bashed them into one mangled mass that gave a unified shriek.
Leo was dead, a mangled mass of flesh and bone as I had pictured him.
Trystin squeezed his lips together and looked down at the mangled mass of armor and leg.
After dismounting the mangled mass of metal, the North Carolina speedster vowed never to drive a heavy vehicle in competition again.
The collision had smashed in the whole front end of the emergency vehicle, reducing it to a mangled mass of twisted steel and bro- ken glass.
That body subsided instantly upon the floor, a shapeless and mangled mass of oozing, dripping flesh.
The transmitter itself lay on the floor, a twisted and mangled mass of metal that was obviously smashed beyond repair.
The nose was a mangled mass, the cheekbones mismatched, and the green eyes burned at different angles.