It had been a long twelve hours-long stretches of crushing boredom, punctuated by brief bursts of manic activity, and then more boredom.
The turbolift stopped, and the doors opened on the manic activity of the Aventine's main engineering deck.
"Amdi" seemed to alternate between shy sadness and manic activity.
Harpo Marx was gentlemanly, with eruptions of manic activity.
Their own sense of dignity, though, seemed to hold them back from the manic jostling try-it-and-see activity of the experimenters.
Beware manic activity in the Atlanta area - particularly zealots running down the up escalator.
Back with his own cast, he was determined to keep them at it as long as possible, fulfilling his own need for manic activity.
Mr. Trigg again proved a fine soloist, handling manic activity with aplomb.
After this brief pause everything broke into manic activity.
You will remember I spoke to you a while ago about a spectrum of behavior, with complete inertia at one extreme and manic activity at the other?