"Sounds more like manic behavior than schizophrenia," I said.
It became particularly easier in the cases of back trouble and mental health problems, which can now include depression, manic behavior and other "mood disorders."
Your child with bipolar disorder may have unique manic behaviors that are identifiable.
Family and friends can help to identify manic behaviors, especially if they know ahead of time what to watch for.
Most of her boyfriends never last for long, as she usually manages to drive them off with her manic behavior.
What was surprising in this case was not the passivity itself but the contrast with Flame's earlier manic behavior.
Park's response to parents who complain about Junie's bad grammar and sometimes manic behavior?
He found their manic, obsessive behavior difficult to deal with, and fundamentally incomprehensible.
If he does not take his medicine, he is prone to strange, manic behavior.
The drinking and manic behavior continued - and then came the car crash.