The six-bedroom, 18th Century home has three acres of manicured gardens and magnificent views over the Cotswolds.
You would discover radiant, manicured gardens as far as the eye can see with each flower bursting forth in brilliant color.
The palace grounds accentuate the alpine look of the place with its manicured gardens, firs and cedars.
The perfectly manicured gardens contain fortifications, grottoes, monuments and fountains dating from the 9th century to the present day.
It is estimated that the project, which came to include manicured gardens, cost over two million livres.
Both types of trailers usually enjoy good amenities and are surrounded by highly manicured gardens.
The neighborhood is a charming one of small manicured gardens surrounding houses and apartments.
Houses in Lytton Park are situated on large lots with lush, manicured gardens.
The grounds are now a national park and preserve of manicured gardens and paths beneath majestic yews.
It is estimated that the project, which came to include manicured gardens, employed eight hundred workers and cost over three million livres.