He said the Iraqis fabricated declarations about destroying weapons, manipulated evidence, interfered with inspections and routinely lied to monitors until confronted with documents, after which they simply changed their stories.
If venal officials did not manipulate evidence there, he suggested, clumsy ones did inadvertantly at the crime scene by sneezing or sweating or throwing blankets on pieces of evidence.
Investigations by Sunday Times journalist Brian Deer revealed that Wakefield had multiple undeclared conflicts of interest, had manipulated evidence, and had broken other ethical codes.
You and your lackey Yorek Thurr would only manipulate evidence and worm your way out of any punishment.
These reports further alleged that Bush Administration officials, particularly former undersecretary of defense Douglas J. Feith, manipulated evidence to support links between al-Qaeda and Iraq.
Other officers, including Norman Bettison, were accused of manipulating evidence.
Mason manipulates evidence and witnesses, resulting in the acquittal of the murderer in The Case of the Howling Dog (1934).
He has accused Mr. Aznar's party of manipulating evidence about the attacks for political gain.
He manipulates evidence so that the judge believes that acted out of self-defense.
He said they had withheld favorable evidence and had manipulated evidence against him that resulted in his conviction.