The prefix and suffix can be useful when manipulating variables.
They can, of course, also be used to manipulate boolean variables.
Initially this local political research, following its North American counterpart, concentrated on manipulating quantifiable variables - the so-called 'output studies'.
To study functional relations in behavior and environment, one must manipulate (control) environmental variables to study their effect in behavior.
It was originally implemented to permit Tcl procedures to reimplement built-in commands (like for, if or while) and still have the ability to manipulate local variables.
SETx - used to manipulate variables within the macro.
Measured variables can be brought in, as well as manipulated variables.
And science experiments are not recipe-type experiments, where the result is predetermined, but discovery experiments in which students manipulate variables and get different results.
It involves manipulating and eliminating variables to support or nullify a hypothesis.
Studies tended to concentrate on manipulating social and cognitive variables.