Her unhappiness activates her manipulative nature, and Newland does not see it until too late.
After a few weeks, however, Hedy reveals her true nature: secretive, manipulative and deeply disturbed.
This is most likely due to his dark, manipulative nature.
However, Andrea's manipulative nature was due to her heavy guilt over the death of Len's twin brother.
Thaddeus plays the part of Cadel's (although he doesn't need it) psychologist for much of the book, encouraging him to nurture his manipulative nature.
Beneath his frivolous and laid-back facade hides a very smart and manipulative nature.
However, the highly manipulative nature of restoration ecology allows the researcher to test the hypotheses vigorously.
The report harshly criticized Georgine and the secretive, manipulative nature of the stock trades.
While she initially comes off as a sweet, caring hipster, it is merely a facade for her cruel, manipulative nature.
Because of Light's cruel and manipulative nature, she's just another one of his victims, albeit a very dangerous one.