But for all their poor relationships with the coast and their conservatism, being able to travel was considered a valuable, manly attribute.
"Great Khalif, in your manly attributes you are peerless and imperial."
Chaz was of the opinion that he was in love, and that Caracene was not unmoved by his own manly attributes.
But they only came on the faster, one ran one side of the oak, the other the other side, so that simultaneously they had a clear full view of that manly attribute which set at rest for ever all doubts of my powers.
Even so, she couldn't help darting a quick glance at Most Brave's manly attributes, discovering, to her horror, that Gray had not exaggerated.
It has commonly cost him all his peace, and the best of his manly attributes.
Shortly the manly attributes of the lords and knights and younger sonseven the councillors themselveswere being cataloged.
Forthrightness and integrity are being made to seem naïve and weak, the moral province of losers, pointless scruples inconsistent with the more manly attributes required to wage war on terror.
Sophy, who had never connected Mr. Fawnhope with any manly attribute, was quite surprised to discover that he had ridden out to visit the Marquesa on a pure-bred mare she would not herself have disdained to possess.
The "Albanians" continue the attempt to win over the sisters' hearts, Guglielmo going so far as to point out all of his manly attributes (aria: Non siate ritrosi-"Don't be shy"), but to no avail.